2009年2月15日 星期日

[KDE] hal mount ntfs with write permission

其實這個設定頗有一般性,gnome 下應應該也 work
參考頁也是從 archwiki 的 hal section 下找到:url ##ReadMore##

  • 增加 /etc/hal/fdi/policy/20-ntfs-config-write-policy.fdi 檔案: <!--xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?--> <deviceinfo version="0.2"> <device> <match key="volume.fstype" string="ntfs"> <match key="@block.storage_device:storage.hotpluggable" bool="true"> <merge key="volume.fstype" type="string">ntfs-3g</merge> <merge key="volume.policy.mount_filesystem" type="string">ntfs-3g</merge> <append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type="strlist">locale=</append> </match> </match> </device> </deviceinfo> 將外接 ntfs 的磁區改用 ntfs-3g 的檔案系統,並添加 locale 的合法選項
  • 在檔案 /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf 中的 <config> 區段內添加 <match user="$USER"> <!-- replace with your login or delete the line if you want to allow all users to manipulate devices (keep security issues in mind though) --> <match action="org.freedesktop.hal.storage.*"> <return result="yes"/> </match> <match action="hal-storage-mount-fixed-extra-options"> <!-- for internal devices mounted with extra options like a wished mount point --> <return result="yes" /> </match> <match action="hal-storage-mount-removable-extra-options"> <!-- for external devices mounted with extra options like a wished mount point --> <return result="yes" /> </match> </match> <!-- don't forget to delete this line if you deleted the first one --> 把 $USER 改為你的使用者 login name,此為允許掛載使用額外選項 (mount with extra options) ;若想要設成所有使用者皆可,把首末行去掉即可
  • 重新啟動 hal 或 reboot, 收工

